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A Truly Amazing 1 and 2 Point Perspective Drawing Tutorial

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Searching YouTube for some perspective drawings – sped up etc to take a look at techniques – I came across an absolute gold mine.

For more videos on his YouTube Channel:

Liebster Award!!

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The Design 411 has been nominated by RefindStyle for the Liebster Award! A massive thank you goes to Refind Style, I haven’t received this award before, but it sure is amazing to be nominated by a fellow follower/blogger.

I didn’t know how this worked until I saw Refind Style’s post about it… So here’s the low down:

1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.

2. They must also answer the 11 questions the ‘tagger’ has set for them.

3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.

4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.

5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.

6. There are no tag backs.

So here we go!

1. 11 Things About Me

1. I’ve just finished my A Levels in Fine Art, Textiles and Spanish with AAD

2. I went through a number of years of wanting to become a surgeon (heart or brain to be specific!!)

3. I might be a quiet person at times, but there’s always something going round my brain – guaranteed

4. Architecture has been my passion for the last three years, but I was never smart enough to actually get into Architecture school

5. I love marmite

6. I love discovering new places – hopefully starting my travelling adventure next summer with my boyfriend

7. I house an expensive taste – but don’t like being ripped off – I like a good bargain

8. I used to be a dancer and gymnast – I wish I still do those

9. I’m the organised type

10. Some would say I am obsessed with the colour Orange

11. I believe simple things are the most powerful

2. 11 Questions from RefindStyle

1. If you were invited to the Met Gala who or what would you wear? I’m really not sure on that one! sorry

2. Why did you start a blog? To start research into the latest design finds, and share them to like-minded people

3. Do you like dressing up or keeping it casual? I love dressing up for going out for an evening, but I prefer casual for normal day-to-day

4. Favorite place to online shop? – their sales are amazing!

5. Vintage or brand-new? I think vintage looks good on a certain type of person, but personally I’m more of a brand-new which I’ll mix with previous styles

6. Are you a night owl or early riser? I like staying until around 11pm, and I also like waking up early to get started with my day… I’m both I suppose!

7. Where was the coolest place you’ve ever been on vacation? 3 days in NYC, then two weeks in the Florida Keys – hands down my favourite and most memorable holiday so far

8.  Favorite TV show for fashion/costumes? Probably Sex and the City

9. If you could live in another decade, which one would it be? Go back to the 90’s… or 80’s

10. Pants or dresses/skirts? Pants. Dresses and skirts for occasions, not casual!

11. Favorite way to relax? Watching a One Tree Hill boxset

My questions for my nominees!!

1. Why did you start your blog?

2. Which city in the world would you most like to live in?

3. What is your current goal?

4.Where is the most inspirational place you have been on holiday to?

5. Who is your favourite blogger, and why?

6. What inspires you the most?

7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

8. What is your greatest achievement?

9. What did you want to become (in the future) when you were younger?

10. What one thing can you NOT live without?

11. Who is your favourite architect?

And finally, My Nominees are ….

Stephen G Hipperson

Mind of Andy

Photo Lord Contest

To Be Aware


Elisa Ruland

Andrew Ferri

Forcing Myself Happy

Hall 91 Design

See What Eye See

Please take a look at these wonderful blogs, they are worth a visit!

A Bucketful of Joy

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Sometimes all you need is some inspirational words…

“A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart.”

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

“A Work of Art
… is not a living thing …
that walks or runs.
But the making of a life.
That which gives you a reaction.
To some it is the wonder of Man’s Fingers.
To some it is the wonder of the Mind.
To some it is the wonder of Technique.
And to some it is how Real it is.
To some, how Transcendent it is.

Like the 5th Symphony
it presents itself with a feeling
that you know it, if you have heard it once.
And you look for it,
and though you know it you must hear it again.
Though you know it you must see it again.
Truly a work of Art is one that tells us,
that Nature cannot make what man can make.”

“A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements no longer have their justification in nature. “

“For many years, I have lived uncomfortably with the belief that most planning and architectural design suffers for lack of real and basic purpose. The ultimate purpose, it seems to me, must be the improvement of mankind.”

Do you like the variation in inspirations? Let us know below.

Quotes taken from: ]

Skyscrapers; My Favourite Inspiration

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What would you like to see more off?

Let us know by writing a comment below!

Photograph taken from: ] ]